Important: Change of address - Deo Volente LLP is now located at Elder House, Milton Keynes MK9 1LR
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Are you getting Divorced & Worried About Your Children? Let DV Solicitors Help You in a Better Way!

getting Divorced

Divorce is the formal legal case of a marriage. Every year, thousands of children experience the stress and trauma that comes along with it. If you and your spouse decide to get a divorce or legal separation and have minor children together, you will have to make significant decisions.

We have expert Child Arrangement lawyers who can assist you with the decision-making on the most viable arrangement for your children. According to studies, most kids will suffer for a short period after a marriage breaks, but what exacerbates and stimulates their stress levels is that they feel torn between two parents. 

Matters like figuring out where and with whom the minor children will live or whose legal responsibility will be in making decisions for them, such as the school they will attend and who will provide their medical care. You will also have to agree on how they will be supported financially.  

If you and your spouse do not agree on these conditions, that's the time when the court will decide for you. 

Are you facing the End of Your Marriage?

If your marriage has hopelessly gone downhill and you plan to divorce your spouse, you'll need to comply with the divorce process to obtain an absolute decree.

Most people are not sure how to get a divorce. All they know is the complexity that comes with the procedures. 

That is why Getting a Divorce Solicitor is the First Vital Step to Do

At Deo Volente Solicitors, our experts usually help clients get a divorce that usually takes 4-6 months and sometimes even faster if both parties agree to the divorce matters and why they should legally separate.

There's an immense landscape that lies behind a divorce, and there's much to know about the process, as England and Wales do not have similar laws to Scotland and Northern Ireland. We understand that you might have many concerns, and one of your questions is most likely about the cost. 

The answer to that question will depend on many different things, including whether your spouse is combative or collegial, whether you have children at home, how much property and debt you have to divide between you, and whether one of you is requesting alimony—and the list goes on. 

How We Can Help?

At DV Solicitors, our expert divorce specialists explain the stages to our clients step-by-step, so they understand the process's requirements.

Our family litigators believe that getting legal support will help arrange a fair agreement and eliminate the need for your children to be put on your divorce process's pedestal.

We have saved thousands of parties the potential cost of paying to represent a child and the uncertainty of allowing the court to make a ruling that leaves both parties unsatisfied.

We know how Stressed you Already are, Leave Everything to Us!

Reach out to us today and talk to one of our consultants, so we can give you a feasible timeline and guide you through the stages, including if your ex-partner doesn't cooperate.

The Divorce Process Timeline During the Pandemic

The timescales for divorce have been affected due to COVID-19. A more realistic timeline would be five to 7 months, provided both parties can agree to the divorce.


DV Solicitors

DV Solicitor, a leading law firm in Bedford & London, offers a wide range of legal services including commercial property, corporate, employment, personal injury and human rights/immigration law. Known for their expertise and client-focused approach.
By: DV Solicitors
Date: February 4, 2021

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Elder House

Milton Keynes MK9 1LR